

Tonight, two worlds collided.

But before that incident occurred, we began with a song.... More Holiness Give Me...

More holiness give me....
More joy in his service.....
More fit for the kingdom, more used would I be,
More blessed and holy, More, Savior, like thee.

I felt goosebumps as I observed from my corner in the back the multitude of faces, joining together in this prayerful plea.  These words summed up so well this journey together as neighbors and friends. 

President Salisbury stepped forward then, a few good words to share...  

"We have prayed you all here."                              I hope those involved realize the importance of that one line.  You are answering prayers.  You are uniting friends.  You are strengthening, being used for the building of the Kingdom.  Yes, something even as menial in this moral existence as a stake musical can be used to change lives when done under the Savior's supervision and design.                             

Pressing forward, in President Salisbury fashion: 
"Now go out today and
put on your best Iowa
 and your best la-di-da!"

Here is where the collision began.

Each has learned their part well, the singers and musicians alike. 
I watched from the pit as vocalists strutted their stuff.

From within the pit, musicians watched with amazement
and smiles the scenes they had not seen before.

From the outside looking in, the same awed  expressions filled the
faces of actors as they watched the warm ups and music
coming from the bottomless pit filled to the brim
with musicians and instruments galore.

A learning process..... with many a crash and burn. 

But we brushed ourselves off, and we'll get back on it again.  After all, we're striving together for MORE.....

I always enjoy seeing, too, those who seldom get the face time or the credit deserved as they work behind the scenes, making it better for the rest of those up front.  Thanks for all you do!! 

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