

More dancing the night away.
The girls turn to show their stuff.

Deep concentration....

... leaps galore.

Of course, not to be outdone......

While they danced, leaped, twisted, turned.....

                                 ...... others found pleasures in building friendships.

                                                                                      Such is what makes my heart leap with joy.
                                                                                                    These are the moments to treasure.



                                     it all began today....

Thanks to Miss Jennifer...
                                        ... the best around, I'd say!

She had them all a-smiling,

  ...  and a-marching to and fro....

Such patience she showed.... when incorrectly we did go!

She taught right through the younguns'.....

Then leaped with those teen boys....

Then smiled right along with us...

                                                                                           ... as we sang for JOY!

Now as the prancing and the singing carried on upon the stage....

                                                      .... some along the sidelines were content to sit and gaze!

The lesson left upon us, as we huffed and puffed today....
we are all the instruments

                                                    ....like a piano the choreographer plays!



We witnessed it tonight... that little bit of magic that happens when things start to click.

Mesmerized, each in our own way. . .

. . .You see, folks, it is starting to come together right before our very eyes. 

One minute we were laughing, greatly entertained by a sing-off of sorts between our
fair weather quartet .....

.....and our classic pick-a-ladies.

I'm still smiling. 

The entertainment continued as "Marion" held her own against the wiles of that "Mr. Hill".

Our giggles were silenced and turned to a few tears as we listened to Marion pour her heart out with "My White Night."  When the time came for those high notes at the end, many an eyebrow raised.... ....amazed. 

  I couldn't help but be touched by the small break in character as a proud, knowing smile slipped from Kent as Laura concluded her serenade.

A well deserved round of applause to wrap up a moving night.  Believe me when I say.... you have to see it to believe it. 
Folks, you are going to be amazed. 

 Can't wait to share our tears and smiles with those who will get to enjoy the fruits of our labors.



A beautiful Saturday morning..... a great start to the day.                                                         

Before I arrived.... rushed, hurried, so much to do.

                                                                      After... smiling, grateful, enjoying the moments.

A few more before and afters caught in the short time I was there.

The transformation of an average stage....


A stubborn "Ioway" stare down...

             A little prop addition goes a long way.....

What happens when you get tired with the repitition of a scene....

What happens when you work hard for the director.....




It's as simple as that. . . though simple is hardly the term to use in this case.

Each time I see this group of people, I marvel.  I don't think anyone will be able to fully comprehend the behind scenes of this production unless experiencing it themselves.

Yes, there are many wonders to behold in those who lead out with the experience of age and time.  Take, for example, our quartet of "adorability" as so stated by our director, Keturah. 

Gordan Jackman, Chris Corcoran, Bryan Earl, & Lee Griffiths  swept us off our feet.

I turned then to observe a younger generation.
belting it with pride... enjoying the moments ...  giving it their all.

What a lot of hard work this will be.... evident in the tired faces of the younger group as the night wore on.

 Grace even had me stifling a yawn or two.

But despite the tired eyes, strained voices, and numerous yawns......
                                                          ...... they pressed on.

                   I think Micah Earl sang it best tonight..... "thump'n thpethyl" .....

To be what you are, yet become what you are capable of becoming... your efforts will not be in vain.

Each of you involved... do you realize you are something special, indeed?!