

Thank you so very much for such a wonderful experience.  The Music Man was a wonderful experience for everyone.  YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!

I believe, very powerfully, this musical was something Heavenly Father wanted us to do in the Hyde Park Stake.  This musical was such a powerful experience for our Stake.  It was never, to me, about a musical.  It was about building Zion, to become more of one heart and one mind.  It was about building relationships with each other that will have eternal blessings for all of us.  It was about feeling the Spirit and coming closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ.  You accomplished all of these and much, much more.  My life will be eternally blessed for the blessing of experiencing this wonderful musical with you.

I grew up in a very musical family.  I don't have a lot of talent myself, but my mother taught me a great appreciation and love for good music and performance.  I have attended a lot of musicals in my life, including the musical Annie on Broadway in New York.  I know I have said this before, but I believe your performance of the Music Man was Broadway quality, and as good as I have ever seen.  I know it has blessed each of you in such powerful ways.

I am so grateful for every part of those who participated in this musical.  The scenery, dancing, orchestra, costumes, makeup, lights, sound, stage, and all who helped back stage making things happen were so amazing.  Everyone who participated in any way made this such a wonderful experience.  I am so grateful you let me come and ditch out on my Thursday meetings and Saturdays to watch you practice.  I loved every minute of it.

My daughter, Jenny, came down from Idaho Falls for Mother's Day and attended the Saturday evening performance.  She is very talented musically.  At the intermission, she actually stepped out and called my wife who was tending the grandchildren and said, "Mom, are these people really all from the Hyde Park Stake?"  She was amazed at the talent and blessing you all were to those who attend the musical.

Almost daily, since the conclusion of your performances, I have people who tell me they have missed the Music Man or how much they enjoyed coming to the musical.  I have heard it all over the valley.  I have met with many of you in my office and listened to the expressions of gratitude and blessing it has been in your lives.  I express my gratitude to Heavenly Father for sending the inspiration for this musical to happen.

I truly believe this musical was instrumental in uniting our Stake and creating eternal relationships that we all will never forget.  I have had so many express to me how their lives have been changed because of this experience, both those in the cast, and those who attended.  I work on my computer and put in my music many CD and find myself laughing out loud when I think of each of you performing.  You were all so gifted, talented, and funny.  And most of all, you could feel the Light of Christ shine through you as you shared your talents and Spirit with others.

Thank you for the sacrifice of time and your willingness to give of yourselves to serve the Lord and to build His kingdom in Hyde Park.  I love you all so very much and consider myself very blessed to live among you and to know of your goodness.  God bless you all. May He bless you and your wonderful families as you continue to build His kingdom and to draw closer to Him.  I know with all my heart that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ.  I know you to, too.  May we continue to serve Him faithfully with all our hearts.

I love you all!  And Thank You!!!

President Chris T. Randall



How to sum it all up, I thought? 
How to get the emotions, feelings, growth from all of you together? 
Nearly impossible, I'm sure.  But I came close.

I asked you to send me one word, those of you who participated and immersed yourself in this musical these past few months.  One word to cover it all.

This is what you sent me. 

Some were duplicated several times, others one of a kind.  I loved what it became, a work of art in itself as I read your words and they melded together, creating the summarized masterpiece of what this experience has become for us all.

Director and Friend, Keturah, shared her one word thoughts a little more deeply than some:
"I also wanted to give you my one word: Unforgettable. This experience was unforgettable in so many ways. I will never forget how the Lord watched over me, and all of us through out this entire process. I will never forget the atonement of my Savior, Jesus Christ who made it possible for one as small as me to act as a conduit for the Spirit of God, and help do His work in the lives of so many. It is impossible to ever forget the many many miracles that began happening right from the beginning of this journey, and never stopped down to the last minute of the last performance. The miracles will even continue on in all of our lives, and the lives of any who were able to experience the production. The people who have come into my life because of this wonderful experience are absolutely unforgettable!! I will never, nor could I ever, forget even a one of them! The people who came into place in every aspect, from my new right arm and the other half of my brain, to the entire Production staff, to my new best Builder friend, to my adorable dance instructor, our pianists extraordinaire, our Amazing Orchestra Director, to our insanely valuable Stage Crew (slash do everything in the world team) to the Tech, I will never forget a soul or the hard work they lovingly gave with never a complaint (or at least not too many :) haha) I have new best friends of every age. People who I never would have known, are now my unforgettables. I have loved every minute of this journey and will repeat that it was "A Joy" forever. I know that the Lord made all the burdens light, and the rewards so great I cannot contain them. I am so eternally grateful for what this brought to my life and to the lives of so many wonderful people in our incredible Hyde Park Stake. The Lord truly does know each of us and what we need in our lives, this will ever be a faith building and testimony growing experience in my mind, and when I'm old and senile and can remember nothing else, this will be unforgettable still!! I love my Savior, and my Heavenly Father more than I can say and I love my wonderful Hyde Park Stake Family!! You are UNFORGETTABLE!"

I thought about President Randall, then, and his inspiration in seeing this need to be fulfilled in our stake.  I imagine the prayers and pondering he must have done to receive the needed direction in how to help our stake..... and I am grateful.  (This will be given as a gift on canvas for him to hang up and remember how this experience has changed lives.) 

I loved how President Salisbury stated it in his email to me.... "That was really what we wanted the musical to be, was a taste of Zion, people of one heart and one mind. People pure in heart, not perfect, but pure and perfect in their desire for a successful stake musical."

I've seen your faces, witnessed you in action, watched in awe....
and testify that you are just that... pure and perfect in desires... creating ZION and changing lives.  

My one last word?

  .... defined as the quality or state of being one;
                                      A state or condition of perfect harmony;
                                        Unison.... of mind and purpose.

                 Such is the state of the Hyde Park Stake after experiencing... the musical.... ZION.
                                                                                          May it linger in our hearts forever.



The spotlights are down, the costumes packed away, the wigs and mile high hats packed away.

With all the drama stripped aside, it was plain and simply each of you.
Enjoying, smiling, reminiscing, hugging, laughing......

A gathering of the top 10 lists were presented.

Top 10 Characters
  A Tie: Quartet/Pick-a-Littles
 A Tie: Ethel/Alma
The Conductor
  Mrs. Paroo
Mayor Shinn

Top 10 Lines from the Play
Trickle, Trickle, Trickle
Oh my dear little Librarian, pile up enough tomorrows,
and all you’ll have is a lot of empty yesterdays
How’d you make out with the Librarian? Scrumptious!
I give it to you with all my heart
You do sit, your knees bend and all
Section 89 of the law states that ceegareets are bad for the body, and illegal in this state
Anything the Mayor said
A tie: Not one poop out of you/I think he meant peep
Collecting tar and melting feathers
Top 10 Favorite Props

Winthrop’s Frog
Conductor’s Mustache
Pitch Fork and Frame
Mayor Shinn’s Beard
Winthrop’s Cornet
  Harold’s Suitcase
  All the Hats
  Ice Cream Treats

Top 10 Favorite Scenes
  Wells Fargo
  Train Scene
  Ice Cream/Sincere
  Pick-a-Little/Goodnight Ladies
  76 Trombones
  Grecian Urn Practice
  It’s You!
Top 10 Favorite Songs
4 Way Tie: Wells Fargo, Goodnight My Someone, Trouble, Ice Cream/Sincere
  Anything Marian Sang
  Gary Indiana
Sadder But Wiser
Marian the Librarian
  My White Knight
Pick-a-Little/Goodnight Ladies
  76 Trombones
Lida Rose/Will I Ever Tell You
Top 10 Favorite Bloopers
Micah losing his frog down his pantleg
  Check the Bishop’s Storehouse
  Mayor accidentally falling off the boxes then declaring, “Mayor Shinn, will recover”
  O’Randall, O’Partridge, O’Salisbury
  Let’s go find his Home Teachers
  Marcellus: I think I’m supposed to say something right here…
  Follow the Yellow Brick Road
  Doug’s Sombrero & speaking Spanish
  Serving Tommy Mashed Potatoes instead of Ice Cream
Top 10 Set Pieces/Scenery
Madison Park
  Livery Stable
  Ice Cream Parlor
  Millinery Shop
  Paroo Piano
The Town
  Paroo House
Top 10 Memories
The Quartet
  The Transformation of Kent and Laura
  from husbands: It made my wife happy
  Learning about and Getting in Character
  Keturah’s nephew Micah “You Saved Him!”
  Singing “I Am a Child of God” at the first rehearsal, and realizing we were going to be part of something bigger than ourselves
  Gayle’s Orchestra Cape
  The Director
  Feeling the Spirit
  Making New Friends

Micah had to step forward to share his frog blooper that not many knew about.

Those in the crowd nodded in humble acknowledgement when their names and moments of glory were pointed out.

back slaps,                                                                                        
and congratulatory applause were all shared amidst friends.

There was joking about other common phrases heard at rehearsal....

Quiet in the gym please! (for the 576th time)

If it’s not your responsibility, don’t touch it, if it is, make sure you get it. - Tonia

Don’t Forget Anything!

Just remember everything I ever said.

Don’t break the 4th wall (or even the 3rd wall, haha)

I just made an executive decision.

Do a freeze frame!

Don’t…or you will die! –Maren

Do it again, please.

I have a sock in my mouth.

If you can hear me, raise your hand…now put it over your mouth

Get your Iowa on!!

Songs were sung, thoughts were shared....
                       and then gifts of appreciation to one who has given so much.

                   A standing ovation says it all. 

                                                                                 All this and more at a simple ice cream sociable,
                                                                                                    a meeting of friends,
                                                                                               a moment of memories shared once more.



"I loved watching everyone be their character. That was soooo fun!
I loved when Mayor Shinn fell off the boxes in the Gym and exclaimed: 'Mayor Shinn.... WILL recover!'
I also thought is was really funny at the beginning when we were working on developing our characters and Mckenna, who played Zeenta, said, 'I don't know how to feel when my boyfriend tries to blow up my mom!'"
                                                                                                 .... Stacie Poulsen
"This was the best thing we have done all year!  My  three children and myself have grown closer together, had something to do each week, made friends, and had a place to share our love for singing with others!  I love rubbing shoulders with so many talented people in our stake.  I love laughing so hard as the funny parts are played over and over again.  I can't think of a better way to spend the last three months then at the stake center in Music Man!"
                                                                                                     .... Becky Saldivar
 "I have lots of favorite memories. One of my favorites was the Thurs. night semi-dress rehearsal. It thrilled me to see Keturah jumping up and down and grinning from ear to ear as we marched out. She was so pleased to see what we had done. It was the first night we "nailed it". Everyone was so happy!"
                                                                                                      ... Kathy Anderson
Some photos shared by you....
            whether it was on stage hamming it up.....

Or backstage enjoying each other.....

 Or working hard before the big production......


 ..... just being together was the best part!  Thanks for sharing those moments with us.....



I often wished throughout this journey that I could make duplicates of myself to be in all the places I would like to be, soaking in each and every moment.  Since that was obviously not possible,I sought each of you for some thoughts,  photos, memories, and insights you wished to share to intermix in what I have collected....

"I loved the "pickle" ladies and the quartet and Mama and Winthrop and just everyone! Everyone was just where they were supposed to be. Our amazing crew and my awesome hair, makeup and quick change ladies! Rachelle, Megan and Heidi were my heroes and I could not have survived without them! Keturah was my inspiration and sometimes the gas in my tank. My sweet, amazing husband makes me so proud and is just the best there is! Kent is the oil in my lamp and my inspiration. My favorite memory is Keturah's three year old nephew, Micah, coming out to greet us after the show and saying to me, "You saved him!!". To which I replied "Yes, I did! And he saved me too!"."
                                                                                       .... Laura Scott

"It has been so amazing watching everyone bloom in their roles. You just can't help but clap for them in the curtain call despite if it's proper theatre protocol. You can't help it because you have gained an appreciation for how much work, faith, and prayer they have put in within and beyond the walls of our stake center. You can't help it because you have grown to know and love your fellow River Citizians that wouldn't of been possible any other way."
                                                                                    ... Roxanne Jackman

"My favorite was beginning every rehearsal with a song, prayer, and thought. It was just the thing needed to bring the spirit of the Lord into each and every rehearsal. It helped remind me of the reason of why we were doing this show. It wasn't to show off our talents, per say, but to build a tight community one with another. To enjoy others. To create a heaven-like home away from home. I loved getting to know people in the stake (as I am new to this area) and meet some fantastic new friends."
                                                                                                   ... Natalie Resch

"I wanted to share a couple of favorite memories from helping behind the scenes with the music man...
I get a unique vantage point while watching in the wings... I see the scramble to make it to places before the curtains goes up... I see the prep before the lights go on and hear the sighs of nervous relief after each scene is accomplished.... Here are 2 of my favorite of these moments and a word about the stage crew:

I get to pull the curtain on the cute girls in the library scene. They gather on stage while the pick-a-little ladies are doing their thing on the thrust. I get the giggles every time while watching the antics of the miniature pick-a-littles strutting and lip syncing with attitudes to the sky to rival their adult counter parts. The facial gymnastics, snooty turned up noses, and hair flipping that goes on silently behind the curtain just slays me every time! Then they snap to sweet librarian shushing innocents as the curtains part. What a hoot!

The angry mob of citizens storms out passed me at the curtain rope in search of that huckster Hill at the beginning of the chase scene... They are all making noises like angry people as they hustle off the stage. I had to chuckle as one sweet Iowan lady rushed passed me mincing in her heels as quickly as possible saying loudly "Don't trip! Don't trip! Don't trip!"

Even though we have seen and heard the show many times yet we still laugh back stage every time at our favorite scenes. "Never mind!" It is really hard to not poke our heads out from behind the curtains to watch the fun. You never see us singing along and raising our hands when "We've got trouble!" but we do. Our hearts jump out of our chests every time the Grecian urn ladies' books fall from their heads because we are trying to ready the next scene in super silent mode. "Crash!" We also take a well deserved bow unseen during the curtain call. I have loved being a part of the backstage ninjas!"

                               ... Lisa Poulsen

On a lighter note....

Maren's costume threat became instantly infamous:  "You will DIE!"

It was very clear no one could eat in costume.... which left for some very hungry young men in the George family.  Tahnean George shares her favorite line and story from their family.  It seems Spencer was quite hungry one rehearsal night....
 "I will do anything for a sandwich!"
Even if that means parading through the parking lot in his stretchy pants running to the suburban for a sandwich during intermission!  Mom (Tahnean) was sure to catch the action!!

                                                                                                                   More to come!!!!!



All aboard for one final show......

We met early once more.   A few final pictures to catch before the moment was lost to us all.

Is it really here?
     The months of hard work have all come tumbling together, screeching to a sudden halt.

             I listened humbly, then, as the cast and crew sang together....
                    "Each life that touches ours for good....                                                        
What greater goodness can we know, than Christlike friends,
whose gentle ways,
                                   Strengthen our faith, enrich our days......
For worthy friends whose lives proclaim devotion to the Savior's name....
                                                                 We praise they goodness, Lord above."

I was moved to tears.

My arms tingled with goosebumps and
my heartstrings were tugged as Gayle shared
 her own final words with the orchestra,
speaking of miracles and marvels,
sharing in tokens and expressions of genuine love.

What a culmination of beautiful people to bask in the light of!

Truly a night to remember!  A very full house as Elayna magically tried to accommodate the masses coming in on stand-by.  They were in for the show of a lifetime.

Aside from the previously adjusted lines:
"Section 82 of the law says cigarettes are bad for the body and illegal in this state."
"Lovely girl... teaches gospel doctrine!"
"Not in your Pre-existence, girly girl!"

We had some new ones creep in tonight:
(perhaps not documented perfectly as I scribbled away in the darkness to take notes....
                              but close enough to still get the idea and another laugh!)

Harold Hill in persuading Mrs. Peroo....
"All the great players were Irish..... O'Randall, O'Partridge, O'Salisbury...."

Mrs. Peroo's grateful exclamation:
"The Latter-Day Saints be praised!"

During the Chase Scene.....
"Someone check down by the Bishop's Storehouse!"
"Let's go ask his Home Teachers!"

                  Wonder what the director thought of it all?...... Pleased as punch, it would seem.

The lights are off now, the halls empty of musical life.

But our hearts and minds are brimming. . . with love, with gratitude, with wonder...... we who were privileged to have a hand in this small gathering of Zion.



Photo call tonight had cast and crew meeting early.  As most bustled about to get ready, our producer busied herself as well with phone calls and final details for the night.

Getting the final details together...... thank goodness for moms!

                  I'm personally feeling the exhaustion settling in from one wild, long, adventurous week of rehearsals and performances..... I don't think I'm the only one.  Keturah and Maren may be busy figuring it out in front.... but take a look at those three laid out boys in the back.  I'm sure many wished to join them!

                         The curtains part and the show begins...... the best night, in my opinion, yet!

                                           Good acting, good mics, good fun!  I finally heard "Eulalie" belt it out....   and can't help but love the faces of those boys!

                    More front row smiles.....

                                                ... and as the show comes again to an end, hundreds more smiles paraded out in congratulatory praise to the cast and crew.

 My favorite part.... seeing those faces of friends and family
so supportive and excited to share in the magic of it all.

                                                                             Time for a little R&R over the Sabbath before this journey will come to a fabulous finale.....



I peeked around the corner tonight to snap a quick shot in the foyer before heading in to join the orchestra in the pit.  The warms ups of buzzing lips could be heard ringing through the air. 


The show kicked off high on helium tonight!
"Follow the yellow brick road..... wait, I forget we aren't in Kansas anymore!"   
                                                           - The Wizard... I mean Brad Pitt, er, President Salisbury

"....Gathering tar and melting feathers...."
                                                          - Scott Erickson is really channeling his inner Mayor Shinn now!

I witnessed a sweet episode and breakdown of hysterical tears in the front row from a very distraught 3 year old boy.... who happened to be Keturah's nephew, Micah. The capturing of Harold Hill by the very angry River Citizians was simply more than he could bear.

                     Relief was evident in his post show exclamation to Marian...... "You saved him!"

My family was present in the crowd tonight.... and I had to share my 4 year old daugther's favorite moment..... "That was the best mushy kiss ever, Mom!"  Too bad I was lost in the notes on the page before me to catch a glimspe!

Which brings me to share a thought or two on this relationship between our leading cast members tonight.  I've been asking each of you as cast and crew to share your favorite moments and photos you've captured from the past few months.......  here are a few to start it all off.

"Hard to choose memories from so many, but one of my favs was an early rehearsal of the Charlie Cowell/Marian scene. Keturah was saying 'You guys gotta give me more!' Those of us in the seats were whistling, clapping, laughing, giving our 'moral' support. Then in the middle of their lines, four curious faces of the quartet peeked out from the middle of the drawn curtains as if they didn't want to miss any of the steamy action happening on the thrust. Was a moment you wished you would of had your camera."               .... Roxanne Jackman

               Laura shared this sweet photo with me of her and Kent after the show.

"Several weeks ago, as Keturah was leading us in singing "I Love to See the Temple," I happened to look over at Kent and Laura during the second verse, and just as they were singing "...where we are sealed together," they both turned to each other and smiled a tender, knowing smile. It was so touching. They didn't know they were being observed, and I almost felt as if I had intruded on a private moment. But I can testify just as President Randall how deeply they are in love. What an awesome example of keeping a marriage eternal!"     .... Lauri Hancey